Saturday, April 7, 2012

Blogger I am not, sporadic opinions you bet.

I enjoy reading others blogs.  Some are very talented when it comes to telling stories or writing about their daily activities.  However, when I feel the mood striking me I like to offer my humble opinions After all I figure it a right I have and to the best of my knowledge no one has taken it away yet.  I enjoy the fruits of my freedom, but I also try to respect others.  I am some what conservative on my political opinions, but not far conservative.  I like to think there are a lot of good ideas, but unless you can be open to hearing them they will never surface.  I find it odd that our two political parties have philosophies that are basically the same, but so polarized they can not agree on simple things.  For instance the recent ruling about birth control being offered by insurance.  Is it not the individuals right to decide if they want to follow the teachings of their church.  What right is it of the government to decide who can or can not have birth control.  In fact I find it strange that the same people who want government out peoples lives are the first ones to tell people what to do.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What we did before computers

I remember a time less hectic maybe, but it required me to sit down and write letters, stuff them in envelopes and wait up to two weeks to get an answer. Mail call was a favorite time of day with emotions ranging from elation if your name was called and deep sadness if you did not get anything. Long distant calls were made collect because normally as a young person you did not have any money to put in the coin slots. If you wanted something and you could not afford it you had to put it on layaway and make payments until you paid for it. Some how I always made that $78 a month pay stretch to the end. Of course the Air force saw to it I had a mess hall to eat at, a dorm to sleep in and if needed a dentist or doctor to take care of me. If I was overseas for longer than 180 days I got $6 a month overseas pay, but with beer at 10 cents a bottle and cigarettes 9 cents a pack life was easier. I just noticed something, the old typewriters used to have a cent key on them, computer keyboards don't. I am sure I had other hard decisions to make about banking and I remeber the very first credit card I got was a Chevron Gas credit card. I some how think I could go on forever about the hardships of not having a computer but some how that seems strange. Especially now that I have at least two at some times and my cell phone doesn't even count as one.
Been a busy couple of weeks.  We are working on my folks old homestead.  We have had it on the market for about four years and hasn't sold, wonder why, no one has a job here.  We have just about finished the bathroom make over and it is looking pretty good. Next will be the kitchen and family room.  That should be easier than the bath as it is mostly painting and flooring replacement.

We do have our house in Lynden on the market, but not sure how that will do.  It is a newer home in a great neighborhood so should sell quicker than this one.  Also more folks are employed there.  Will post some photos later.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Montana in the Little League World Series

Great to see the kids from Montana advancing as far as the have.  A team from the state with a population of 1 million going up against a city with a population of over one million.  Rooting for the team from Montana of Course.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Whopee it's started again....

Actually it started after the end of the last one, but why do we have to start the presidential election process so early.  Buy the time the actual elections roll around I am sick of all the candidates.  None of them seem to be qualified any more.  It reminds a situation where to much bullshit ruins the crops. 

I must have been growing up in the wrong era.  We had a class called social studies when I was in high school and we learned how our government worked. (Supposedly)  We learned about the constitution and the way bills progress through.  Now a days I don't think the congressmen we elect even know how it is supposed to work.  I hear remarks about creating constitutional amendment, congressmen talk about it like all they have to do is pass a bill.  Guess they really haven't read how the process really works. 

A large number of members of congress have not served in the military.  How the hell do they know what it means to be in the service.  Guess war movies still deal with it for them. 

Enough rambling, let just get the campaign started so I can liste4n to every one change their position two or three times during the campaign.  No one ever has solutions just rhetoric.  And god knows there's a lot of that.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tired of the BS

I see the folks back in DC are up to the normal for them.  Bicker and point.  Seems to be the mark of the true politician. 
