Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tired of the BS

I see the folks back in DC are up to the normal for them.  Bicker and point.  Seems to be the mark of the true politician. 



Thursday, July 7, 2011

Compromise, where did it go?

Polarization, that the name of the game. I'm right your wrong. What ever happened to it might be a good idea to look at both sides to solve a problem. Just because I may not like something doesn't mean that there is some merit to the plan. Come on people let's work and think about the common good.

I know retirees that refuse to vote for school bonds to support education just because their kids are educated and the grand kids live some where else. Logic, why should I support public education. Not that it matters if kids don't get the skills necessary to pay taxes in the future. Why should I care. I can complain about other things.