Sunday, May 22, 2011

Debt and taxes

I wonder how long politicians will think all they have to do is reduce spending and the national debt will go away. Pretty soon it will start to cut into muscle and without some kind of investment in the future our children wont have to worry about the national debt. Instead they will have to figure out how to make a living in an anarchy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I wonder if it will quit raining some day. I am getting very tired of grey days, wet nights and needing to use the furnace in the mornings to take the chill off the house. Oh sure it makes everything green, but when it is under two inches of water who cares. Frogs croaking at night are not entertaining anymore. All I hear on the news is the crappy weather all over the country, so I guess I should just be content with the rain. At least we don't have a lot of tornadoes and violent flooding to contend with.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Well he's gone. Buried at sea, now all the fishes can cope with him. I thought it was nice he received a burial according to his traditions, but wonder how many he didn't offer the same to. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if we could have gotten him in Tora Bora several years ago. I wonder how long it will be before everyone can just be a little civilized.